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About Lab Grown Diamonds is pleased to offer true lab grown diamonds as an option for the side stones of our bridal rings.  These man-made diamonds consist of actual carbon atoms arranged in the characteristic diamond crystal structure. Since they are made of the same material as natural diamonds, they exhibit the same optical and chemical properties.

Advantages of Lab Grown Diamonds

Beyond being environmentally friendly, other benefits of these lab grown diamonds is that they are colorless, have exceptionally high clarity, are excellent cut which ensures lots of sparkle, and they are significantly harder than most natural diamonds given the purity of the diamond crystal.

How Are They Made

These diamonds are grown via the HPHT process which essentially mimics the natural process: carbon is crystallized as diamond through intense heat and pressure deep within the Earth.

How Do They Differ from Mined Diamonds

Visually our lab diamonds have the same appearance, beauty and sparkle as their high-end natural counterparts.  Physically they are considerably harder than most natural diamonds, making them more resistant to damage.  They are also environmentally friendly unlike natural diamonds which have a long history of damaging planet earth and the communities in which they are mined.  

>> Click to learn more about testing lab grown diamonds <<

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